Perpustakaan Digital Berdasarkan Perspektif Lucy A. Tedd Dan Andrew Large (Studi Kasus Di Perpustakaan Fakultas Teknik UGM Yogyakarta)


Introduction. The objective of this research was to know the digital library based on the perspective of Lucy A. Tedd and Andrew Large in the Library of the Faculty of Engineering UGM Yogyakarta. Data Collection Methods. This research used qualitative method with a type of case study research. Data collection techniques used are observation, interview, and documentation. Data Analysis. The theory used is the perspective of Lucy A. Tedd and Andrew Large. Data analysis in this research used the theory from Milles and Huberman, including data reduction, data display and Conclusion Drawing / Verification. Results dan Discussion. First, the UGM Yogyakarta Faculty of Engineering Library fulfills the information process both from the ability to create, search, and use information, secondly, the fulfillment of the Yogyakarta UGM Faculty of Engineering Library collection which consists of data and metadata that are interconnected both internally and externally, and which third, the fulfillment of integration or relationship between the UGM Yogyakarta Faculty of Engineering Library with other institutions or organizations, namely with the UGM Central Library and with other Faculty Libraries within UGM, but not for libraries / museums / archives / schools / other units outside UGM environment. In this research it is recommended to be able to do a network of cooperation with various institutions or other organizations outside the UGM, it aims to meet the information needs of users in accessing information, where such information is widely available, complete and diverse. In addition it can also improve the quality of provision of library services to library users. Conclusion. The result of this research are the Library of the Faculty of Engineering UGM Yogyakarta is a digital library, this is evidenced by the fulfillment of the three characteristics of digital library based on the perspective of Lucy A. Tedd and Andrew Large