
IMPROVE ACTIVITY AND RESULTS OF LEARNING INTEGRAL MATERIALS THROUGH JIGSAW COOPERATIVE LEARNING MODELS. Teacher innovations to increase learning activities and outcomes need to be done so that effective learning, one of the efforts with the application of learning models, including JIGSAW type Cooperative Learning Model. The purpose of this study is to improve the process and learning outcomes in class XII IPS 3 on Integral material through the application of the JIGSAW Type Cooperative Learning model. The research subjects were students of class XII IPS 3 of SMA Negeri 1 Gebog Kudus.The results of observations at the end of the cycle, seemed to increase as follows: the average student learning outcomes of 67.41 to 70.16, students have not completed as many as 16 students to 12 students, the percentage of students who did not complete 50% decreased to 37.5% and student learning completeness of 50% increased to 62.5%. Student activity in observing discussion and presentation activities seemed to increase above 70%. Other aspects also experienced an increase. There were 2 students experiencing decreased activity. Student opinion data that 10 students (31.25%) are very happy, 15 students feel happy, 2 students feel normal and 5 students are not happy. Thus it can be concluded that by cooperative learning Jigsaw type can improve the learning outcomes of integral material in class XII IPS 3 students of SMA Negeri 1 Gebog in the 2014/2015 academic year, which can be observed from: student learning outcomes are increasing, student activities are increasing, journal results and interviews which show that students feel happy with this learning.