Application of Cooperative Learning Model Type Student Teams Achievement Division to Improve Social Studies Learning Outcomes
One of the duties of a teacher is to create a learning atmosphere that is interesting and fun and can support the creation of predetermined goals, because the quality of learning outcomes can be optimal if the process is carried out effectively, meaning that the learning process can take place smoothly, directed, and in accordance with the learning objectives has been established. The research methodology used in this study used classroom action research, where the instruments used were observation and tests to evaluate learning outcomes. Based on the test results (pretest and posttest), the increase in reading ability of students in Indonesian subjects has increased in each cycle. This can be seen from the average posttest score obtained between cycles I, II and III has increased, namely, the average post-test score in cycle I is 64.21, the average value of cycle II is 69.47 and the average -The average value of cycle III is 74.74, it can be concluded that there is an increase in student learning outcomes in social science subjects. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that the use of the Student Achievement Division type of cooperative learning method can improve learning activities and student learning outcomes in class IV social science subjects.