KEPEMIMPINAN DAN MANAJEMEN KEPALA MADRASAH (Studi Kasus Kepala MTsN Sungayang Berprestasi Tingkat Nasional)


This research is aimed at describing the leadership of the Head Master of MTsN Sungayang in achieving a better quality school. The research applied a qualitative paradigm. The  techniques of data collection of this study were interviews, observation and documentary study. The technique of data analysis applied the interactive model   by Miles and Huberman. For checking data trustwohiness, triangulation technique was applie, namely by comparing the results of observation data with those of  interview, and documentation. The findings of the study show that the school principal plans  the programs, performing short speeches (muhadaroh) in the Madrasah, providing religious vocabulary, habituating the students to perform Dhuha prayer and noon prayer together, evaluating classrooms cleanliness, making Madrasah wall magazine, creating  Madrasah Health Unit (UKS), performing activities of  Sports and Arts, of social like takziyah,  visiting the sick people, and  collecting money for social funds.