

Untuk mengejar akreditasi yang baik, kami mencari artikel-artikel yang sesuai dengan ruang lingkup jurnal dan lebih disukai berbahasa Inggris. Silahkan kirim artikel terbaik anda. 

Call for Paper

Dear researcher and academics,  We are pleased to invite you to our new publication, Volume 3 no 2 - 2023 (November). If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Gustin (Editor in chief)...

Call For Paper Vol XVIII No 1 Februari 2020

January 04 2020

Kami menanti artikel berupa Penelitian dan sebagainya untuk di terbitkan di Vol. XVIII No. 1 Februari 2020

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Call For Papers

December 24 2019

Jurnal Ilmiah Langue and Parole translated Journal Scientific Langue and Parole is a Journal of Language and culture . Jurnal Ilmiah Langue and Parole (JILP) Publishes scientific journals periodically twice a year,...

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Call for Paper Volume 1 Nomor 2

December 17 2019

JPI: Journal of Political Issues, publish by University of Bangka Belitung, for information and communication resources for academics, and observers of political science, governance issues, public policy in and on...

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