Peran Dinas Pertanian Dalam Pelaksanaan Pasal 19 Tahun 2013


Superior seeds are plant seeds that have high quality and quality to be planted and produce quality fruit. Article 19 of Law no. 19 of 2013 concerning farmer empowerment regarding superior seeds explains that The superior superior is given at an affordable price. The purpose of this research is to The objectives of the research are: 1. To analyze how the implementation of the work program of the South Tapanuli Regency Agriculture Service in Article 19 of Law NO. 19 of 2013 concerning the provision of superior seeds to farmer groups in Marsada Village, Sipirok District, South Tapanuli Regency. 2. To find out the factors that influence the implementation of the cultivation of superior seeds provided by the Department of Agriculture in Marsada Village, Sipirok District. 3. To find out Fiqh Siyasah's review of the role of the Department of Agriculture for Farmers' Groups in Marsada Village, Sipirok District, South Tapanuli Regency. And the problems contained in this research are 1. How is the implementation of Article 19 of Law no. 19 of 2013 concerning the role of the Department of Agriculture and related parties in carrying out agricultural programs related to providing superior seeds to farmer groups in Marsada Village, Sipirok District. 2. What are the factors that influence the work program of the Agriculture Service of Sipirok District, South Tapanuli Regency. 3. How is Fiqh Siyasah's review of the role of the Department of Agriculture towards Farmer Groups regarding the distribution of superior seeds in Marsada Village, Sipirok District.Implementation of article 19 of law no. 19 0f 2013 concerning the distribution of superior sub-district was carried out trought three stages, namelyā€¯ preparation, triggering, mentoring and cultivation monitoring. Factors that influence the implementation of Article of law no. 19 ofthese are knowledge, education and the area of agricultural land.