The Covid-19 Pandemic in the Age of Necropolitics: Challenges for Liberation Theologies


The pandemic Covid19 is not only a medical emergency but also a major economic and political crisis, including the existence of a neoliberal transformation called necropolitics namely the determination of who should die. This article aims to offer liberation theology in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The research results show liberation and contextual theologies will be critical in future battles against necropolitical policies. The Covid-19 pandemic is not creating a new reality, but rather exposing and radicalizing existing realities - necropolitical realities - all over the world. Liberation and contextual theologies will be critical in future battles against necropolitical policies. The church must listen to what marginalized communities have to say, and liberation and contextual theologies must listen to what other theologies have to say. A liberation narrative must be declared, in which all liberative narratives can find a space of openness. While hegemonic narratives are imposed, the Gospel of Life, Justice, Joy, and Liberation has the potential to open previously closed horizons. Even under necropolitical regimes, there is good news.