PRAKTIK PENGELOLAAN PRINSIP SYARIAH DI HOTEL ANDITA SYARIAH SURABAYA BERDASARKAN FATWA DSN-MUI NOMOR 108/DSN-MUI/X/2016 (Sharia Principles Management Practices at Andita Syariah Hotel Surabaya Based On DSN-MUI Fatwa Number 108/DSN-MUI/X/2016)


Penelitian ini didasarkan pada fenomena banyak bermunculan hotel berlabel syariah yang ada di Indonesia, tetapi diindikasikasikan hanya sedikit yang memenuhi kriteria hotel syariah dalam fatwa DSN-MUI No.108/DSN-MUI/X/2016, sehingga tidak memiliki sertifikasi halal termasuk hotel Andita Syariah Surabaya. Tujuan Penelitian adalah mendeskripsikan konsep syariah menurut pengelola hotel Andita Syariah, menjelaskan penerapan prinsip syariah di hotel Andita Syariah serta menganalisis praktik pengelolaan di hotel Andita Syariah berdasarkan fatwa. Pendekatan kualitatif-deskriptif digunakan oleh penulis sebagai metode dalam penelitian melalui penyajian hasil penelitian berdasarkan fakta yang diperoleh dari observasi dan wawancara serta teori dalam bentuk uraian deskriptif. Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa terdapat beberapa hal yang belum terpenuhi dari tujuh kriteria standar hotel syariah yang terdapat dalam fatwa DSN-MUI. Namun demikian, titik penting dari penyediaan layanan syariah di hotel Andita Syariah adalah sebagai wujud pemberian dukungan dalam upaya meningkatkan keimanan dan ketakwaan dengan menerapkan prinsip syariah melalui bisnis dan ekonomi syariah. This research is based on the phenomenon of many sharia-labeled hotels popping up in Indonesia but it is indicated that only a few meet the criteria of sharia hotels contained in the fatwa DSN-MUI No.108/DSN-MUI/X/2016, so they do not have halal certification, including hotels andita syariah surabaya. The purpose of this research is to describe the concept of sharia according to the manager of the Andita syariah hotel, explain the application of sharia principles in the Andita Syariah hotel and analyze the management practices at the Andita Syariah hotel based on the fatwa. Qualitative-descriptive approach is used by the author as a method in research through the presentation of research results based on facts obtained from observations and interviews and theories in the form of descriptive descriptions. The results of the study found that there are several things that have not been fulfilled from the seven criteria of sharia hotel standards contained in the DSN-MUI fatwa. However, an important point of providing sharia services at the Andita sharia hotel is as a form of providing support in an effort to increase faith and piety by applying sharia principles through sharia business and economy.