
The development of technology is very fast, many buying and selling transactions do not have to meet face to face. Then according to Islamic law, buying and selling is often called online buying and selling which is indeed allowed in contemporary fiqh as long as the pillars and conditions are met by not containing usury, gharar and maisir, because basically any buying and selling must be avoided from these things. This study discusses the Review of Islamic Law Against Buying and Selling Online Using Shopeepay Later Credit. This study aims: To analyze the mechanism of buying and selling online using Shopeepay Later credit; To analyze the review of Islamic law on online buying and selling using Shopeepay Later credit. This type of research is library research. Sources of data in this study are primary legal materials in the form of the Koran and books as well as secondary legal materials in the form of hadith, shopee's official website, and journals. The data analysis technique in this research is descriptive qualitative. The results of this study indicate that: The practice of Shopeepay Later credit is carried out through an application, namely the Shopee marketplace by means of users.Shopee registers to activate Shopeepay Later. After Shopeepay Later is successfully activated, users can use Shopeepay Later to shop and users can pay for their purchases according to the selected tempo. As for how to pay the bill, it can be done by transferring via ATM, I-Banking, M-Banking or paying through minimarkets such as Indomart, Alfamart. According to Shopeepay Later Islamic law, when viewed from the pillars and terms of sale and purchase, the pillars of qard are in accordance with Islamic law. Then if you look at DSN-MUI No:110/DSN-MUI/IX/2017 regarding the sale and purchase contract, it is allowed that the sale and purchase price that is not cash may not be the same as the cash price, so the price difference on Shopeepay Later to buy now pay later, 3x installments, 6x installments and 12x installments are allowed. This Shopeepay Later sale and purchase is confirmed by the sale and purchase of greetings, namely both buying and selling are delayed in regards to the pending goods, while in Shopeepay Later the money is delayed. However, the penalty that applies as much as 5% when late paying is usury.Perkembangan teknologi yang teramat cepat banyak transaksi jual beli yang dilakukan tidak harus bertemu tatap muka. Kemudian secara syariat Islam jual beli tersebut sering disebut jual beli online yang memang dalam fiqh kontemporer diperbolehkan asalkan terpenuhi rukun dan syaratnya dengan tidak mengandung riba,gharar dan maisir, karena pada dasarnya setiap jual beli apapun harus terhindar dari hal-hal tersebut. Penelitian ini membahas tentang Tinjauan Hukum Islam Terhadap Jual Beli Online Menggunakan Kredit Shopeepay Later. Penelitian ini bertujuan: Untuk menganalisis mekanisme jual beli online menggunakan kredit Shopeepay Later; Untuk menganalisis tinjauan hukum Islam terhadap jual beli online menggunakan kredit Shopeepay Later. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kepustakaan (library research). Sumber data dalam penelitian ini yaitu bahan hukum primer berupa Alquran dan buku serta bahan hukum sekunder berupa hadis, website resmi shopee, dan jurnal. Teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini yaitu deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: Praktik kredit Shopeepay Later dilakukan melalui aplikasi yaitu marketplace Shopee dengan cara pengguna.Shopee mendaftarkan diri untuk mengaktifkan Shopeepay Later. Setelah Shopeepay Later berhasil diaktifkan, pengguna bisa menggunakan Shopeepay Later untuk berbelanja dan pengguna bisa membayar belanjaannya sesuai dengan tempo yang dipilih. Adapun cara membayar tagihannya dapat dilakukan dengaan cara mentransfer melalui ATM, I-Banking, M-Banking atau bayar melalui minimarket seperti indomart, alfamart. Menurut hukum Islam Shopeepay Later jika dilihat dari rukun dan syarat jual beli, rukun qard sudah sesuai dengan hukum Islam. Kemudian jika dilihat dari DSN-MUI No:110/DSN-MUI/IX/2017 tentang akad jual beli dibolehkan harga jual beli yang tidak tunai boleh tidak sama dengan harga tunai jadi perbedaan harga pada Shopeepay Later untuk beli sekarang bayar nanti, 3x  ciclan, 6x cicilan dan 12x cicilan dibolehkan. Jual beli Shopeepay Later ini diqiyaskan dengan jual beli salam yakni sama-sama jual-beli tertunda pada salam barangnya yang tertunda sedangkan pada Shopeepay Later uangnya yang tertunda. Namun denda yang berlaku sebanyak 5% ketika terlambat membayar merupakan riba.