Menjaga Harmoni Dengan Pendekatan Konseling Lintas Agama dan Budaya


Indonesia is a country with the most extraordinary levels of diversity in the world, especially in the context of the Lombok people, known as the Sasak tribe, which has diversity in terms of religion, culture, race and others, one of which is in the Karang TaliwangVillage. So that in the midst of diversity, mutual understanding is needed in order to create a balance between groups, especially groups of religious communities. This is where the importance of the role of the interfaith and cultural counseling perspective in providing a more inclusive and humanist understanding to the community, of course the great role of the counselor is needed in seeing the cultural potential that is able to become the spirit of building social harmony between people religious. Like the culture of mutual jot which is a tradition in the form of delivering food after performing a series of ceremonies. Like mMuslim who hold a aqiqah event, the will definitely deliver food to the neighbors, even though they are of different religions. Second mutual pesilaq is an invite between communities, not just fellow religious communities, but with other communities in the Karang TaliwangVillage and the third is belangaran culture. The counselor must utilize multicultural counseling as above as a change agent for every individual in society, because cultural awareness is one of the important dimensions in understanding a society with cultural diversity. That will help counselor in providing meaning and understanding of defferences in society.