Shalawat sebagai Pendekatan Konseling Spiritual dalam Meningkatkan Religiusitas Santri di Pondok Pesantren Nurul Yaqin Praya


The purpose of this research is to find out the Shalawat as a spiritual counseling approach applied by counseling counselors in improving spirituality for students who have less religiosity at Nurul Yaqin Praya Islamic Boarding School and what factors support and hinder spiritual counseling efforts in increasing religiosity for students through prayer. The technique used in this study uses qualitative data analysis techniques with a descriptive approach while data collection is done by means of observation, interviews, and documentation. This study found that the efforts of shalawat as a spiritual guidance and counseling approach for students at Nurul Yaqin Praya Islamic Boarding School in increasing student religiosity, namely conducting spiritual counseling services by providing guidance through religious prayers to improve the spirituality of students whose religiosity is lacking, in addition to providing books - book of religious enlightenment in the hemodialysis room. Spiritual counseling is able to provide enthusiasm, motivation and enlightenment in religion and also wisdom behind the lack of students in religion to get peace, and not fall asleep in the problems they face, encourage students to understand the potential that exists in themselves and utilize these forces to rise again from themselves deficiencies in religion are able to stand firm against various obstacles, and consciously develop themselves to achieve a more meaningful quality of life. From this research the writer wants to discuss the approach of spiritual counseling through the method of blessing.