Tasawuf Perekat Pendidikan Di Era Teknologi


Sufism is a discipline that has differences with other sciences. As the realization of the AL-IHSAN with the claim by the Prophet himself, so it is the completeness of the elements of Islam, that we must follow to the end. Examples of his very clear that endlessly devoted to the teachings of Islam tirelessly and followed by his companions. Understanding of Sufism in Islam can not be equated by the Western sense, because the substance is Taqwallah and Muraqabah with in the implementation khudlu 'and humility'. The sense there is a difference, in essence a spiritual experience of each individual according to their level. Sufism meaning can be understood in two aspects, namely the aspect lahiriyah and Baatinites also tajribah (trials) and I'tikad (recognition) to anyone who could mendektakan themselves to God definitely needs tecukupi. Sufism is not hate the world but strengthen the soul. This science if it is less understood is considered odd and eccentric. For the main tujan is to obtain a direct relationship with God. Al - Ghozali explained, the human level by level to the Lord until 40. 20 in the world in the next 20, including Karomah of God. Purify the soul to attain perfection of happiness in need Riyadloh (training) from one stage to a higher stage. Holy souls shall be reached by a long way, no spontaneity. The source and basis of Sufism, Ibn Khaldun stated, derived from charity Sholihin Salaf, of the Prophet's companions who follow the path Haq and guidance of God, the most basic of Qur'an - Al-Hadith.