
Education is a process of preparation of the younger generation to run life and meet her life more effectively and efficiently. Pendidk is a central role in transforming their knowledge to the learners. In Islam, can be defined as the process penyiapankeduanya is absolutely perfect. Given the responsibilities of an educator in Islam is the heir of the prophets (warasat al-anbiya) are in fact carrying out the Mission of Rahmatan lil ' Alamin a mission that invites people to submit and obey the law of God, for the salvation of the world and the hereafter, then interact with the learners shall be held in accordance with the taught by Islam, in order that the result of the interaction of the two is absolutely perfect. The Organization of these interactions, such as those delivered by Hasan al-Banna, is supposed to be like the parents and children who have the immediacy of emotionally. In addition, the interaction of the educator and the learner is a partnership that is based on the values – democracy, the values of openness and mutual understanding, humanity in the relationship, Islam teaches, educators and learners to mutually understand and appreciate the nature and role of each so that the interactions are both really produce generations of Glbt who are capable and ready to run its role either as or as Caliph abdulloh upfront of this earth.