
The scope of Islamic Economics is basically the same as the conventional economic scope that we have known so far. However, there are a number of differences in principles that include, among others, the prohibition of usury, gambling, and uncertainty in transactions. The basic philosophy of economics, both conventional and economic in Islam, prohibits flowering of money. However, conventional economics then deviates in this regard. Islamic economics is built on the basis of Islam, therefore it is an integral part of the religion of Islam. Islamic economics follows Islamic religion in various aspects, and is an embodiment of economic behavior based on Islamic teachings which includes how to view economic problems, analyze, and propose alternative solutions to various economic problems. Islamic economic scope includes its history, muamalah fiqh, social system, basic rules (such as zakat, infaq, waqf, prohibiting maisir, gharar, and usury), including macroeconomic aspects, government regulations (regulator) in its development, and also the system recording (accounting) that must be used.