
When Islamic philosophy was discussed, it was imagined there were some figures who were referred to as Muslim philosophers such as Al-Kindi, Ibn Sina, Al-Farabi, Ibn Rushd, Al-Ghazali, and so on. The presence of these leaders is indeed unavoidable, because from them we can get to know Islamic philosophy, but also because in them the seeds of Islamic philosophy are developed. The author only limits the exposure of Al-Ghazali, and Al-Farabi. Al-Ghazali was a great scholar whose thoughts were very influential on Islam and the philosophy of the Eastern World. He was a Sufi as well as a theologian who got the nickname Hujjah al-Islam. The majority of them, especially the Muslims, to this day put Al-Ghazali in a high position in terms of science and charity. Al-Ghazali's thinking was diverse and numerous, starting with his thoughts in the field of theology (kalam), Sufism and philosophy. In this matter, Al-Ghazali's philosophy will be discussed relating to the biography, the work, his thoughts and criticisms of other Muslim philosophers. Whereas Al-Farabi was an Islamic scientist who mastered various sciences but he was more inclined in the field of philosophy and mantiq. Throughout his life al-Farabi often wandered alongside studying with famous poets and philosophers to deepen their knowledge. He is an Islamic philosophy figure who is very persistent in the field of writing and is said to have written around 100 scientific works. Because of the various philosophies and writing carried out by al-Farabi, he made him a well-known and respected figure at that time