Peningkatan Kualitas Sumber Daya Manuisia Akademik


In the face of the industrial revolution era (4.0), directed towards improving human resources, especially in facing Digitalisation, and changes in all aspects of life, various references have been set in government regulations as strategic guidelines for improving the quality of human resources, so that they are in accordance with the needs in the era of industrial revolution. The quality of academic human resources is covering all aspects of human personality, which includes aspects of knowledge, skills, mental attitude, insight and orientation, work ethic, and so on, without forgetting the spiritual dimension needed to increase the dignity and human dignity, in other words personality the whole. Our people, perfect human beings who are skilled in carrying out their duties in the era of the industrial revolution (4.0). By not losing his spiritual dignity and dignity, that is individuals who have freedom, have their human rights, creative rights, the right to disagree, the right to believe in religion, so that in turn the culture of Indonesian society will develop. "So that each person is possible to reach the level of" the gentlemen of culture ", especially in the spiritual dimension, in this section efforts to improve the quality of academic human resources, especially in the organization of higher education. To compensate for the growing tendency towards demoteric oriented education, to pursue the growth of industrialization by strengthening the competitiveness of digitalization mastery, with all the possible access it creates, as an implication of increasingly advanced societies in all aspects of life as developed countries, their negative impacts among other things, giving rise to human alliances, dehumanization tendencies, vulgarism, consumerism and so on.