
Islam teaches morals and ethics as the highest peak of faith, both of which are very important in this melenial era to be balancing in life, because Islam puts forward a balance between physical and spiritual needs, material and spiritual, external and inner elements, as well as worlds and traditions. Islam also teaches the development of knowledge, ethical and moral values. So great hope in humans can balance personal experiences based on religion as a basis for bringing change to the world of education. The integration of religion and culture as a counterweight in the cycle of symbiotic mutualism in conducting the metamorphosis of the civilization of millennial knowledge. Therefore, with science, humans are able to make and get the essence of high truth that is the Almighty. Science is one of the strategic doors to bring people closer to God through intensive and serious efforts to consider the universe of the perfection of human life, both physically and spiritually. Through the integration of science and religion developed in religious learning (Islamic Education), it is expected to produce students who have a scientific, scientific and responsible attitude, the ability to utilize knowledge and become ulul albab