TEKNOLOGI PEMBELAJARAN DALAM PENDIDIKAN ISLAM (Analisis Kritis Penggunaan Teknologi Dalam Pembelajaran)


In this paper the nation of technology is not interpreted as a tool (hardware), but rather is focused on a systematic meaning (software) in a complex and integrated process involving people, procedures, ideas, equipment, organizations, to analyze problems, find solutions, implementing, evaluating and managing problem solving in situations where learning activities have a purpose and are controlled. So, learning technology is a systematic effort in designing, implementing and evaluating the whole learning process for a specific learning goal and is based on research on the learning process and communication on learning that use a combination of human and non-human resources. So that, learning can take place effectively. Islamic education is an attempt to change the behavior of individual in their personal lifes or social life and life in the natural surroundings through the educational process, these changes are based on Islamic values.