
In this article explained that the religious culture of schools is a manifestation of the substance of religious teachings as a result of the application of tradition in behavior and also an organizational culture that must be obeyed by all citizens in the school. The contents of religious culture contain various values ​​in the form of the spirit of sacrifice (jihad), the spirit of brotherhood (ukhuwah), the spirit of helping one another (ta'awun), and other traditions. From the results of his research it was found that First, the religious culture at SMPN 1 Nguling can be said to be good by looking at the average answers of all respondents on the school religious variable (X) of 4.15 and reinforced from the results of interviews with PAI teachers, then the religious culture at SMPN 1 Nguling has been implemented well because students are not only equipped with cognitive aspects but also psychomotor and affective aspects. Second, the PAI Learning Process at SMPN 1 Nguling can be said to be good, from interviews it was found that students have been facilitated starting from a comfortable learning place, good learning resources and getting material from qualified teachers from knowledge and social fields and seen from the average the average answer of all respondents on the learning achievement PAI variable (Y) was 4.28. Third, there is a significant relationship between the religious culture variables of the school and the learning process of PAI. The simple linear regression equation obtained is Y = 1,669 + 0.629 X. School religious culture (X) directly has a significantly positive effect on the learning process of PAI (Y) of 0.386 and the PAI learning process is influenced by the school religious culture 38.6% while the remaining 61.4%.