PENELITIAN KUALITATIF DAN KUANTITATIF (Pendekatan Penelitian Kualitatif dan Kuantitatif)


Universities as intellectual and cultural centers are expected to make a major contribution to the development of science and technology, especially those relevant to the needs of superior human resources (HR). In this case, lecturers are an important element in higher education and have a very strategic position in its development, through research activities, because lecturers have adequate intellectual, professional, individual and social abilities. Regarding the professional abilities of these lecturers, Boyer stated that professionalism on campus consists of two directions: teaching is important, but research and publications are more important for lecturers. What Boyer said seems to be a warning, that the task of a lecturer is not only teaching but also researching and writing. The ability of lecturers to think logically and critically, master research principles, and be able to implement and communicate research results. Lecturers are always responsive to the development of science, technology, social and culture around them. The author reveals that research methods have developed rapidly. Therefore, every lecturer must keep abreast of developments by studying and applying various research approaches and models. In this paper, several main points are described as follows: (1) the characteristics of qualitative research, (2) the characteristics of quantitative research, (3) the meeting between qualitative and quantitative approaches, (4) alternative combinations of qualitative and quantitative research, and (5) examples of models a combination of qualitative and quantitative research.