
This Romadlon in 2021, for Muslims, is still accompanied by a pandemic atmosphere,because the Covid 19 pandemic is still declared incomplete worldwide.The impact caused by the Covid 19 pandemic is multidimensional in Social,Economic, Educational,Political and Health aspects.For this Corona virus zakat institution has an impact on zakat collection,therefore after the Covid 19 pandemic,the Zakat institution must innovate in collecting zakat. So far,the collection of zakat in Indonesia has been carried out by institutions or institutions formed by the government,namely BAZNAS (National Zakat Agency). This paper aims to analyze and identify how institutions or institutions that are mandated by the government in managing zakat optimally. Because so far the collection and distribution of zakat has only been carried out until the District/City Baznas level has not maximized the role of the Zakat Collecting Unit (UPZ). The approach used in this paper is descriptive qualitative. The main data source of this paper is information in various media and information that we get from Baznas Pasuruan Regency. The conclusion of this paper is that the Zakat Collection Unit (UPZ) formed by BAZNAS has not been fully optimized in helping to collect, distribute and utilize the potential of zakat and infaq.