
Abstrak The command of zakat in the Qur'an is found 32 times, 26 of which are mentioned together with the word prayer. This implies that the obligation to issue zakat is similar to the obligation to establish prayer. The difference is related to professional zakat. Some scholars do not view it as an obligation, because there is no specific argument related to the obligation of zakat in this profession. Others view that professional zakat is obligatory based on the general verse on zakat, which commands the issuing of zakat from part of the assets from the results of the business. The results of this study conclude that the generality of Q.S Al-Baqarah verse 267 shows that any type of business and good income (kasab) must be tithe. Professional zakat also has a very large impact on the benefit of the people, differences in terms of nishab, haul, amount of zakat, and others do not deny their obligations..