
Among various stories in Al-Qur`an, the story of Prophet Musa is the most often mentioned. Its repetition showed the importance to gather value and wisdom from his story, and one of prophet Musa`s story in Al-Qur`an is about his journey with ‘Abdun that mentioned in surah Al-Kahfi verse 60-82. Then this research is designed to study that story based on Tafsir Al- Qur`an Al-‘Azhim authored by Imam Ibnu Katsir, a mufassir who also mastered in hadits, fiqh, and history. Then this research focused on the story of Prophet Musa with ‘Abdun in Tafsir Al-Qur`an Al-‘Azhim, its sources of interpretation, and the story value and its wisdom. This research, applied Tahlili methods (analytical methods), namely the meaning and inter- pretation of certain surahs or verses according to the mushaf order. In interpreting this story, Ibnu Katsir referred to most of shahih narrations and didn’t mention any Israiliyyat narration related. This story told about the journey of Prophet Musa to obtain some knowledge from ‘Abdun namely Khidhir. Along the journey, Khidhir did 3 things that look like vanity and against syariat, when he made a hole of a boat, killed a kid, and rebuilt an almost collapse wall. But apparently he did them upon Allah`s instruction as reflection of His grace. The values and wisdoms behind the story are the importance of being patience, a proper educational methods (tarbiyah), courtesy towards knowledge and its owner, and the most important thing is about Allah`s unlimited knowledge and His grace towards His ser- vant.