Estimated Flood Discharge in Downstream Krueng Meureubo of Pasi Pinang Section West Aceh Regency


The phenomenon of floods in Indonesia has become a routine thing that happens every year, almost all areas that are lowlands often flood when the rainy season arrives. Flooding is caused by high rainfall where the ability of the soil to absorb water decreases along with the rapid development of land that was once a rainwater catchment area, consequently surface runoff becomes high. Pasi Pinang Village can be categorized as a very flood prone village in Meureubo Subdistrict, due to the low condition of this village and directly borders the Meureubo river. Many adverse effects caused by floods and cause losses to the local community. The phenomenon of floods in Indonesia has become a routine thing that happens every year, almost all areas that are lowlands often flood when the rainy season arrives. Flooding is caused by high rainfall where the ability of the soil to absorb water decreases along with the rapid development of land that was once an area. In this case a study on flood discharge analysis needs to be done in order to reduce the incidence of flooding in the village of Pasi Pinang. The method used in this study is the Nakayasu HSS method, aim of this study is to determine the amount of flood discharge that occurred in the Krueng Meureubo River Basin in Pasi Pinang Village. Total hydrograph discharge calculated using the Nakayasu HSS method is the watershed area (A) = 1961.53 km, length of main river (L) = 157.02 km, time delay (tg) = 9.507 hours, duration of rain (Tr) = 7 , 13 hours, the time from the beginning of the flood to the peak of the flood hydrograph (tp) = 15.21 hours, the time of discharge 0.3 times the peak flood discharge (t0.3) = 19.01 hours and the peak flood discharge (Qp) = 23.109 m3 / sec then the total hydrograph discharge obtained by the Nakayasu method is equal to = 2040.26 m3/sec.