Analisis Rasio Penjaminan Kredit Usaha Rakyat Pada PT. Jamkrindo Pamekasan Di Masa Pandemi


Credit Guarantee is an activity of providing guarantees to debtors for credit or other facilities distributed to debtors due to non-fulfillment of the collateral requirements as determined by the creditor. The purpose of this study was to determine the credit guarantee ratio of PT. Jamkrindo KUP Pamekasan during the pandemic. The method applied is a descriptive approach. Types of data and data sources in this study is quantitative. The results of this study indicate that credit guarantees are needed in a loan, especially during the pandemic. With the credit guarantee (PT. Jamkrindo) it is hoped that micro, small or medium enterprises (SMEs) Credit guarantee is an activity of providing guarantees or services to creditors for credit, which is provided by the Indonesian general credit guarantee company (Jamkrindo) in collaboration with the government. This needs to be done to provide protection to creditors, if the debtor presents then the creditor still gets the right to his receivables in order to overcome failure to fulfill obligations and repay bank credit.