Pengaruh Role Playing Terhadap Minat Belajar Peserta Didik


This research to talk about the influence of role playing against interest in school tuition and interest in students in the basic stadi Islamic Religious Education class VIII SMPN 3 palopo.Quantitative research study is using techniques the survey covered, observation and non participants. unstructured interviewThe population in this research is the whole students viii class a and viii b in junior high schools 3 palopo were 65. studentsthe analysis used techniques to learn is simple, regression analysis and test the validity of, reliability a coefficient determination, test test a hypothesis by using SPSS. The result showed that any impact on role playing preference for school students is as much as the state 3 palopo is significant.The analysis of the coefficients determined obtained r2= 11,9 % , and the hypothesis obtained  0,355 statistically means we can conclude that the role playing each other related to each other , and its effect on very low preference for school students SMPN 3 Palopo