
This study used library research that analyzed learning in early childhood using loose parts based on literature, books, journals, and other supporting theories. The goal is to find out the implementation of the use of loose parts in early childhood learning. Fun learning for early childhood is through play. Learning must be child-centred, because children learn according to their ideas, interests and needs. The existence of loose parts really supports children's freedom in learning and exploring because they are open, authentic and imaginative which are very good for stimulating early childhood development. Loose parts are open materials in the form of natural or synthetic objects that are widely available around us. With loose parts, they can follow the ideas and imagination of children and can be used as anything, because their diverse existence is very easy to use, remove, combine, carry, and return to their original condition and function. Loose parts have benefits for developing inquiry skills, imagination and creativity, train children to ask questions and think critically, and can stimulate various aspects of development in early childhood. The learning cycle using loose parts begins with cultivating curiosity, the exploration phase, the experimental phase and the creative phase. Provocation and invitation from teachers or parents are important things that support learning using loose parts to be effective and fun.