Pengembangan Perikanan Tangkap Pelagis Kecil untuk Pemberdayaan Nelayan di Kota Palopo


The utilization of small  pelagic fish in the coastal water of Palopo City has not exceeded the critical level Maximum  Sustainable Yield (MSY), but has expertised over fishing, e.g. total annual fishing effort exceeded the optimum effort.  Now days, fishing units operated local by fisherman mostly composed were traditional categories.  Based on biological, technical, and socio-economical aspects, purse seine can be selected as an appropriate gear for local fisheries development.  Adoption of the selected technology faces some constraints on human capacity; the selected purse seine only few fishermen experienced operating purse seine.  Local fisheries development can by carried out by adopting the technology without causing excessive  optimum fishing effort.  This can be achieved by replacing in-efficient payang fishing unit by purse seine.  This technological development must be accompanied  with development of human resources  (i.e. fishermen) by giving the a training program  of haw to operate  and manage  purse seiners.