Ilmu dalam Tinjauan Filsafat: Ontologi, Epistemologi, dan Aksiologi


Various reflective thoughts on matters relating to the foundation of science and the relationship of a science to all aspects of human life are referred to as the philosophy of science. Science itself has certain parts where in science there are objects, statements, propositions, and characteristics where the four aspects are actually highlighted by the three foundations of philosophical thinking about ontology, epistemology, and axiology. In this article, the author uses the literature study method or conducts a study of various books and other scientific works related to the topic raised. The purpose of this paper is to describe science in terms of philosophy: ontology, epistemology, and axiology. From the results of the study, it can be concluded that ontologically basically talks about the nature of "that which exists". Science is viewed ontologically trying to prove and examine that a science can really be proven to exist. Epistemology talks about the basis of knowledge, sources, characteristics, the truth of knowledge, and how to get knowledge. Science is highlighted through epistemology, the discussion is focused on how the sources used by scientists in developing science and what the methods are. Axiology basically talks about the relationship between science and values. Because it is related to values, axiology relates whether or not it is appropriate for a science to be developed.