Pengembangan Buku Suplemen Elektronik Materi: Sejarah Banjir dan Pembangunan Saluran Air di Tulungagung Tahun 1939-1986 Untuk Pembelajaran Sejarah Kelas X IIS 3 SMA Katolik ST. Thomas Aquino Tulungagung


Technology has been growing and has also penetrated into the field of education. The use of technology in the field of education is now being intensively promoted to facilitate the learning process, as well as in learning history. This research and development aims to produce teaching materials in the form of an electronic Supplementary Book for the History of Floods and Waterways Construction in 1939-1986 in Tulungagung for students of class X IPS 3, SMA Catholic St. Thomas Aquino Tulungagung. This teaching material is in the form of an E-book which was developed through the Anyflip application and Canva to achieve the desired final product. The method used is Sukmadinata's research and development model which initially has ten steps but has been modified by the researcher into five steps. The results of this research and development show that the validation of the material gets a value of 91.6%. While the media validation obtained a value of 90% and the effectiveness test of teaching materials was 91%. From the overall results, it can be said that this Electronic Supplement Book teaching material product is very valid (worthy) to be used as supporting teaching materials in the process of learning history of specialization in the classroom.