
The education system in Indonesia has not effectively built students to have a noble character or morals in accordance with national educational goals. This is shown by the number of students who behave in accordance with the prevailing norms, such as drug abuse, fighting, pornography, and decreasing the value of national and state pride. Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education Study Program, Faculty of Islamic Religion, Wahid Hasyim University Semarang is a study program that has implemented appliying character building. These programs of character building is implementating from their own religion. This research uses descriptive qualitative. Subject of these researchs are lecturer and students. And informan of these researchs are deans, employees, and parents of the students. The results of this research shows that the information program of the characters in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education Study Program, Faculty of Islamic Religion, Wahid Hasyim University Semarang applied intensively (daily, weekly, monthly). The programs include 1. integrated in the leraning process, 2. any other programs: Habituation Week, Disciplinary Week, Mentoring, Diary. The purpose of these programs is intended to build characters of the students. These programs are not only comprehensive, but also very unique. Students are very enjoyable and enthusiastic in running various characters, and what is expected is that they have strong character basics.Keywords :Character Building, Based on Religion, Higher Education