
Empiricism is a philosophical school that focuses knowledge only on the senses. One of the characters is John Locke. In Locke's view, he emphasized that knowledge comes from observations we make of our own surroundings with a tool called John Locke sensing, which he considers this as a white sheet of paper (tabularasa) and rejects innate ideas. Locke views reason as a passive shelter receiving the results of the senses. Locke considered what he called knowledge to be a composite of ideas derived from sensory experience. Locke generalizes to knowledge. The research aims to answer the problems that arise from Locke's view by criticizing the theory of tabularasa based on huduri science by using huduri according to Tabataba'i. as for this research using qualitative methods and literature. As for analyzing the data using a theory demonstration criticism approach. From the research that has been done by the author, it shows that huduri science is the capital for every knowledge, even for knowledge that is preceded by the senses. Because in essence knowledge is something immaterial, as for what enters the subject who knows is something immaterial too, even though the object is bound by matter. This is what is called the presence of something immaterial in the immaterial soul.