Development of Styrofoam Media as Puzzles to Develop Fine Motoric Children Aged 3-4


Fine motor skills are movements that use fine muscles or certain parts of the body, which are influenced by an agreement to learn and practice. This study aims to determine the development of Styrofoam media as a puzzle to develop fine motor skills for children aged 3-4 years at TPA 01 Ma'arif NU Metro Lampung. Types of research and development (research and development). The development procedure according to ADDIE theory which consists of five stages. Development of Styrofoam media as a puzzle to develop fine motor skills at TPA 01 Ma'arif NU Metro Lampung with the following steps: 1) Beginning children pay attention to puzzles that are still neat. 2) Introduce the puzzle pieces. 3) Remove and shuffle the puzzle pieces. 4) Ask the child to rearrange the puzzle pieces into a complete unit. The use of Styrofoam media has a very decent category, this is based on media experts getting a percentage of 100% with the "Very Eligible" category, so it can be used for fine motor development of children aged 3-4 years at TPA 01 Ma'arif NU Metro Lampung.