Developing Language Skills for 4-5 Years Old Children at RA Muslimat NU 1 Tulus Rejo Kec. Pekalongan Through the Development of Ice Cream Stick Media


sticks are learning media that can stimulate the teaching and learning process. The use of ice cream stick media at RA Muslimat NU 1 Tulus Rejo Kec. Pekalongan has not been used in learning, besides that the media material for ice cream sticks is very easy to get and cheap. The language ability of children aged 4-5 years is the lowest level of achievement compared to other abilities. development of ice cream stick media at RA Muslimat NU 1 Tulus Rejo with the following steps: 1) Ice cream sticks were developed into letter sticks. One side is written with letters, one side is also written with letters, 2) At first the child reads the letters on one side, 3) If correct, the child may read the letters on the other side. 4) If the child wants to learn to read, the game is reversed, the child reads one side of the letter first and then opens the side with the letter on the other side, 5) If the child answers correctly, he/she is given a picture of a smile, and if he/she answers incorrectly, he/she is given a picture of crying. The use of ice cream stick media for children aged 4-5 years at RA Muslimat NU 1 Tulus Rejo can improve children's language skills.