
ABSTRAK Pendidikan memiliki saham besar dalam pembangunan peradaban suatu bangsa. Sementara itu, usaha membangun peradaban suatu bangsa harus dimulai dari pembentukan karakter kelompok anak usia dini, karena generasi inilah yang akan banyak berperan dalam menentukan arah perjalanan bangsa tersebut ke depannya. Berdasarkan tesis ini, pendidikan anak usia dini menjadi diskursus yang penting dalam dunia pendidikan. Disebabkan urgensinya itu juga, agama (khususnya Islam) banyak membincangkan soal-soal pendidikan anak usia dini. Hadis Nabi saw., sebagai salah satu sumber ajaran Islam, juga tidak sepi dari pembahasan terkait pendidikan anak usia dini, termasuk pembahasan tentang metode mendidik anak usia dini tersebut. Tulisan ini mencoba memberikan informasi mengenai metode pendidikan anak usia dini dari hadis-hadis Nabi saw. yang dieksplorasi dengan metode pemahaman hadis substantif filosofis. Sebagai hasilnya, metode pendidikan anak usia dini ala Nabi yakni: metode ceramah, metode dialog atau diskusi, metode kisah, metode demonstrasi, serta metode reward dan punishment. Kata Kunci: metode, pendidikan, anak, dini, hadis ABSTRACT Education has a great stake in the building of a nation's civilization. Meanwhile, efforts to build a nation's civilization must start from the formation of the character of early childhood groups, because this generation will play a lot of role in determining the direction of the nation's journey in the future. Based on this thesis, early childhood education becomes an important discourse in the world of education. Because of the urgency, religion (especially Islam) discusses many issues of early childhood education. The Hadith of the Prophet (peace be upon him), as one of the sources of Islamic teachings, is also not quiet from discussions related to early childhood education, including discussions about the method of educating early childhood. This paper attempts to provide information about the methods of early childhood education of the Hadiths of the Prophet (peace be upon him) which are explored by methods of understanding substantive philosophical hadith. As a result, the prophet's method of early childhood education is a method of preaching, a method of dialogue or discussion, a method of story, a method of demonstration, as well as a method of reward and punishment.