Assessing the Compliance of Online Marketplace Mechanism with Shari’ah Law (Case Study of Bukalapak)


Bukalapak is one of the biggest online marketplace in Indonesia. Bukalapak provides<br />a place for trading for sellers and buyers, utilizing the applications on the internet as a<br />space to trade. The objective of the study is to assess the the compliance of product, buyer<br />and seller verification system, payment and delivery transaction system of Bukalapak<br />with the Shariah law. This research uses a qualitative approach; interview and observation.<br />The collected data will be analysed with interactive analysis model by Miles and<br />Huberman. The result of this study shows that as an online marketplace, Bukalapak<br />complies with the legal standards of Shariah law which is based on ijab qabul between the<br />seller and the buyer, also there is a form of liability or indemnity imposed by Bukalapak<br />with the view of balance and fairness between all Bukalapak users. The result also shows<br />that Bukalapak had been running based on honesty and openness so that it is able to<br />develop the market based on Islamic economics. Hence, it earns the trust from the sellers<br />and the buyers as a place for buying and selling.