Clearing in the View of Islamic Economic law


The financial flow can be regarded good or bad based on the function of central<br />bank in managing the circulation of money in Indonesia. Currently, the transanction<br />giral money is more dominant than cartel money in the society. Because it tends to be<br />more effective, effecient and easy used in all economic activities. Most of the payments<br />making up the transactions flow between several banks, which need one of the instruments<br />that settles the flow money circulated among the banks known as clearing. The objective<br />of research is to know the mechanism of clearing and the structure of ‘aqd in the bank<br />from Islamic law perspective. The finding shows that the application of clearing in<br />Islamic banking has used Aplikasi kliring the contract of waka&gt;lah, specifically waka&gt;lahbil<br />ujroh that the bank will get the fees to represent the customers settling the payment.