An Analysis of Administration Fees in Murabâha Financing Case Study: Muamalat Bank of Indonesia, Sragen Branch in 2015


Administration fee is commonly used for operational activities, which its rate is<br />charged to customers depends on each bank. It is charged for several products and<br />services that require certain administrations. Hence, Muamalat Bank is pioneer of Islamic<br />bank in Indonesia founded in 1992 has contributed to the development of product and<br />service for customers. It has many branches in all districts such as branch Sragen in east<br />java. In relation with administration fee, Muamalat Bank, branch Sragen has produced<br />many contracts by imposing administration fees with in them such as in murâbaha<br />financing. Finding of the study are that murâbaha financing is imposed for operational<br />and survey fee. The administration fee in branch Sragen is determined by tiered pricing<br />structure on murâbaha financing, which is not permissible in Islamic principles because<br />it contains element of ghârar and ghaban