Upaya Meningkatan Kompetensi Guru dalam Menyusun Administrasi Pembelajaran melalui Supervisi Akademik pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 di SMPN 3 Masbagik Tahun Pelajaran 2021/2022


The purpose of this school action research (SAR) is to determine the extent to which the supervision carried out by the principal followed by the provision of guidance/treatment to the target teachers can increase the competence of these teachers in preparing learning administration. In this school action research (SAR) carried out in 2 cycles, from the results of the actions taken it is proven to be able to increase teacher competence by achieving ideal standards. In the first cycle the increase in teacher competence in compiling learning administration reached around 33.33%, in the second cycle it could increase to 100%. The average score obtained after class supervision was carried out in the first cycle was 71.33 and increased in the second cycle to 83.33, meaning that there was an increase of 12 and the level of completeness as a group/classical in the first cycle reached 33.33% and in the first cycle it was 33.33%. II increased to 100%. The results of this school action research show that coaching principals can improve teacher competence in preparing learning administration.