Upaya Mengembangkan Kecerdasan Musikal Melalui Permainan Persepsi Bentuk Musikal Pada Anak Kelomok B di TK Pertiwi Tanjung Juwiring Klaten


This study aims to develop musical intelligence group B children in TK Pertiwi Desa Tanjung District Juwiring Klaten Lesson Year 2012/2013 through the game of musical form perception. This research is a classroom action research (PTK). In this research, the students are group B in TK Pertiwi Desa Tanjung Kecamatan Juwiring Klaten District Lessons Year 2012/2013 as many as 18 children, consist of 12 men and 6 women. This research was conducted in two cycles each cycle consisting of planning stage, action stage, observation, reflection. Children's musical intelligence data was collected through observation methods, and documentation. Data analysis technique used is descriptive qualitative with interactive analysis consisting of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion of analysis result. Research results before the implementation of the cycle obtained results of 41.9%, the first cycle reached 56.4%, and the second cycle reached 80.1%. based on research that has been done can be concluded that through the game perception of musical form can improve the musical intelligence of children in kindergarten Pertiwi Village Cape District Juwiring Klaten Lesson Year 2012/2013.