KONSTRUKSI BERITA PEREMPUAN DI MEDIA ONLINE Tirto.id (Analisis Framing Pemberitaan Kasus Pelecehean Seksual terhadap Perempuan Selebriti dan Non-Selebriti Periode Januari-November 2018)


There are many mass media in Indonesia which is not implementating the concept ofequality gender yet, especially news about sexual harassment. Whereas, the framing ofmass media can drive people to do like what they want. That’s why, we need more newswhich support gender perspective and educate people about equality. So, the sexualharrasment won’t be seen as a normal thing happened. This research focuses to the newsframing in online media Tirto.id under the hastag sexual harrasment. Constructivismtheory is used in this research which is emphasized the reality is plural and subjective.Researcher takes 18 from 67 articles to be analysed using Robert Entman’s framingmethod. Entman’s method focuses to four things, problems identification, casualinterpretation, make moral judgement dan treatment recommendation. The result of thisresearch is Tirto.id already implementated gender perspective journalism which was notbrought the woman down but also didn’t blame the men. Tirto.id constructs women as theone who’s equal, smart and independent, but there’s an inequality of gender between menand women. That’s why women are kind of powerless that make them a victim of sexualharassment. For the news in celebrity corner, Tirto.id tried to educate readers how torespond to the sexual harassment. Meanwhile, in the non celebrity corner, there are manycritics said to the related institution as the way to enforcement the concept of genderequality.