
AbstractRadio that until now is still in use and practical for the public as a medium ofinformation but now it is used as a media Promotion Marketing Public Relations.Marketing Public Relations serves to provide understanding to the public about thecompany's products. In realizing Marketing Public Relations strategy through eventsthat have been programmed PT TWCBP & RB using Radio TWC as Marketing PublicRelation. Radio TWC is required to provide innovation in promotional activities. Theresearch method used case study research where the researcher describes the object ofresearch based on facts that exist and correlated with Social Interaction theory whichsocial process can be done and progressed through action and interaction. Techniquesof collecting data using interviews, observation, documentation and literature study.The results showed that Radio TWC conducted various activities with the public as aneffort to provide information, build trust, and interest to the Taman Wisata Candithrough the publication of events and promotions. So from the activities of MarketingPublic Relation Radio TWC is considered effective to run the role as a medium toprovide information to the public company and the source of evaluation to the companyabout the activities of Marketing Public Relations.