Muted Group Theory Wanita Berhijab Merokok Dalam Sudut Pandang Realias Sosial


Women who smoke are the topics raised in this study. Women with identical hoods are women who are Muslim, women who are good, cover their genitals, dress modestly, and maintain good manners. Usually respected by men because women are veiled. In Islam a woman who wears a veil to the back, wears a robe and has her chest covered. In this study, researchers used descriptive qualitative research methods, descriptive research in general was conducted to see events that caught the attention of researchers. Descriptive aims to systematically and accurately describe facts and characteristics about the population or regarding a particular field. The data collected is merely descriptive so it does not intend to seek explanations, test hypotheses, make predictions or study the implications. This research results in disapproval and negative thinking for veiled women who smoke, the reason generally taken is because the veil on women is a symbol for a Muslim woman. The speakers also feel uncomfortable if there are veiled women who smoke, especially if it is done in public.