
This article presents the results of a research on the responses of Islamic mass organizations towards Shi’a Muslims in Bandung City, West Java. Data collection methods used for this study include interviews, observation and document study. The author found that there are opposing responses toward Shia Muslims in Bandung, as represented by two Islamic organizations: FUUI (Forum Ulama Umat Indonesia) and MUHSIN (Majelis Ukhuwah Sunni-Syiah Indonesia). FUUI takes stand against Shia on the basis of theological purification arguments. On the other side, MUHSIN, while does not necessarily agree with interpretations of Islamic teachings held by Shia Muslims, is ready to accept their presence because MUHSIN’s activists recognize the need to protect universal values, such as pluralism, tolerance, and civil rights. Key Words: Shia Muslims, pluralism, FUUI, MUHSIN, Bandung. Tulisan ini menyajikan hasil penelitian tentang respon organisasi kemasyarakatan Islam (Ormas) terhadap Syiah di Bandung, Jawa Barat. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode wawancara, observasi, dan studi dokumen. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan, bahwa respon terhadap eksistensi Syiah di Jawa Barat dapat dikelompokkan menjadi dua yang direspresentasikan oleh dua Ormas, yakni Forum Ulama Umat Indonesia (FUUI) dan Majelis Ukhuwah Sunni-Syiah Indonesia (Muhsin). FUUI menolak Syiah dengan argumen pemurnian teologis. Sedangkan Muhsin menerima keberadaan Syiah, tanpa harus menerima interpretasi ajaran Islam dari Muslim Syiah. Hal ini didasari oleh argumen untuk menjaga nilai-nilai universal, seperti pluralisme, toleransi, dan hak-hak kewarganegaraan. Kata Kunci: Muslim Syiah, pluralisme, FUUI, MUHSIN, Bandung.