
Sexuality is still perceived by many Indonesians as a taboo. For Indonesian Muslims those who are doing haj pilgrimage specifically, sexual desire is thought a forbidden to be discussed. Furthermore, husband and wife sexual intercourse issues are also excluded from the rights of haj participants provided by the state. This research has shown (a) to what extente the preliminary haj (manasik) course discussing the issue of sexual needs during haj pilgrimage, (b) how haj participants think and construct the sexuality during stay at Saudi Arabia, and (c) what particular way they prefer to manage sexual desire during haj pilgrimage. The research has also shown that the husband and wife sexual intercourse during haj pilgrimage time is also one of the importants case that is needed to be fulfilled. In this regard, the haj pilgrimage organizer across any levels should provide a special room for sexual intercourse, especially for those who are still in the sexually productive ages. Currently, for haj participoants who have sexually productive ages denote the differentiate way in managing sexual temptation during their staying at Saudi Arabia’ motels. It is because there is no special room provided by the organizer for husband and wife sexual intercourse.