Framing Perseteruan Gerakan Dakwah Khuruj Fi Sabilillah Jamaah Tabligh Temboro Magetan


The movement of khuruj fi sabilillah (outreaching in the God’s path ) as the da’wah model of Jama’ah Tabligh has faced many obstacles since its first occurence in Temboro,Magetan District. The obstacles have not posed only by the existing da’wah communities, political structure also poses non-trivial challenges. Ultimately, the Da’wah movement of khuruj fi sabilillah is able to build the character of Muslims in Temboro into a typical Islamic-Salafid Muslims through the da’wah of khuruj fi sabilillah. This study uses framing theory as an analyzing tool in reading occasions, framing experinces into meaning and guiding collective actions. Jama’ahTabligh can foster Temboro people’s interests in khuruj fi sabilillahusing the meaning conception it frames, that khuruj fi sabilillahis a manhaj of the “salaf al-salih” (salafi), a walking madrasah, and a da’wah model of“walisanga” (nine guardians).