Pengaruh Motivasi dan Kepuasan Kerja terhadap Kinerja Karyawan PDAM Kabupaten Gorontalo
This research was conducted at Maqna Hotel Gorontalo, aiming to find out 1). whether motivation (X1), and job satisfaction (X2) affect employee performance (Y), 2) to find out whether motivation (X1), and job satisfaction (X2) have a simultaneous effect on employee performance at PDAM Kabuapetn Gorontalo. The results showed that the two variables Motivation (X1), and Job Satisfaction (X2) had a Positive and Significant Effect, which was indicated by the motivational significance value of 0.03 which was smaller than 0.05 and the positive beta coefficient of 0.202, the significance value of Job Satisfaction. of 0.01 is smaller than 0.05 which means it is significant and the beta coefficient is positive at 0.442. Furthermore, the two variables Motivation (X1), and Job Satisfaction (X2), simultaneously have an effect on Employee Performance (y) as evidenced by the results of simultaneous testing (f test) between the independent variables, namely motivation and job satisfaction on the dependent variable, namely the performance of PDAM district employees. Gorontalo shows the Fcount value is greater than Ftable with a value of 3.16 > 1.047 and has a sig probability value of 0.000 which is smaller than 0.05.