
Abstract The results of the purpose of this study are to determine what factors influence and how much interest in Bank BNI Syariah. The benefits of increasing knowledge and getting to know what products are in BNI Syariah for INAIS students and increasing funding and leanding at Bank BNI Syariah, quantitative methods with deductive theory, with descriptive statistics online questionnaire to test data, nonprobability sample research sampling with purposive sampling technique and the Tabhacic & Fiedell approach. This research is supported by a Skrifsi from Yayan Fauji 2010 which states that what influences the interest in saving in Islamic banking is the profit sharing ratio and product quality of Islamic banking. A number of other findings that are not in line with this research regarding the factors that influence the interest in saving in Islamic Bank, a Skrifsi from Uniyanti 2018 states that what affects the interest in saving in Islamic Banks is the religious factor and pocket money income. The results of this study used linear regression test, partial T test, then the t-table with two-way test and α = 5% (0.05) was 1.97944. Then the t count in the variable of X1 Religious 1.293, X2 Knowledge 0.984, X3 Economic Ability of Parents 0.361, Promotion of Sharia Banks 1.367, the existence of facilities 1.758, and 1.549 administrative costs less than t table. Thus the decision Ho accepted Ha was rejected. This means that there is no influence and it is not significant (not real) from the 6 variables. The only effect of the 7 variables is the profit sharing ratio of 2.389, so that Tcount is greater than Ttable. So thus Ho's decision rejected Ha accepted. This means that there is an influence and significant (real) profit sharing ratio on student interest in saving at Bank BNI Syariah. Looking at the partial t test with Constant B 1,850 which affects the interest in saving INAIS students at Bank BNI Syariah is the profit sharing ratio variable with a value of 0.226 using a two-way test α = 5% (0.05) of 1.97944, then the value of Constant B + If the ratio value is around 2.076, the number of INAIS students who are interested in BNI Bank is around 0.02%, so 9.93% of students are not interested in saving at BNI Syariah Bank. Keywords: Religious, Knowledge of Parents' Economic Ability, Promotion of Sharia Banks, Availability of Facilities, Administration Costs and Profit Sharing Ratio.