Innovation Management MADU PELAWAN (Integrated House of Entrepreneurship Development and Services) in Central Bangka Regency


This research is about management Independent Entrepreneurial Development and Service innovation as one of the real actions of the government in an effort to improve the community's economy through empowering IKM (Small and Medium Industries). The focus of this research is the management of Independent Entrepreneurial Development and Service innovation carried out by Central Bangka Regency. This study used qualitative research methods. The population in this study is an area that has made innovations in the development and service of independent entrepreneurs. Meanwhile, the research subject is in Central Bangka Regency with an innovation called Madu Pelawan (Integrated House for Independent Entrepreneurship Development and Services). The results showed that the Honey Innovation Management of Pelawan (Integrated House for Development and Independent Entrepreneur Services) in Central Bangka Regency succeeded in making real changes. The existence of the Product Development House (RPP) has made significant changes to the growth and development of IKM/UKM in Central Bangka Regency. As it is very easy to find IKM products that already have a good label in accordance with the required provisions, it is very easy to find products that have used food grade packaging, many IKM products are found that are accepted and marketed in gift shops and modern stores, almost all packaged food products have marketing permits, the reach of loan services has become easier with the facilitation of counseling, many IKM products have promotional media such as the 7/9 booklet, some IKM actors already have process and promotional videos, and 5 IKM Centers have been formed.