Penerapan Mudharabah pada BMT sebagai Solusi Ekonomi Umat
This study discusses the application of mudharabah in BMT Syariah. The purpose of this study is to analyze the application of mudharabah in BMT Syariah. This research is the rationale for starting to build mudharabah products that can be an economic solution for the people. This study uses a descriptive exploratory qualitative approach and library research, which refers to the primary materials of the two components that are the subject of discussion, namely the study of mudharabah and Sharia BMT. Coupled with other books related to the problems studied. While the writing method used is descriptive analytic, namely by collecting actual information in detail and thoroughly from the data obtained, to be further described in accordance with the problem being studied, then analyzed directly. The result of the research is that the mudharabah product applied in BMT can be a solution to achieve a good and prosperous economy for the people. Especially in the midst of a situation when other financial institutions seem to be a difficult space for people to become economic partners.